
- A Simple Dice Game

What you will need:

  • 6 standard dice (6 sided dice) - Any size will work.
  • Paper and pen/pencil to keep score
  • 2 or more players

How to play:

  • The first player to score 10,000 points or more wins, unless one ore more of the remaining players can top the score in one more turn. (Winner would have the highest final score.)
  • You must score at least 500 in one turn to 'get on the board' (record your first score) after that there is no minimum score.
  • Keep rolling and taking out your choice of one or more scoring dice until you decide to stop or until rolling without scoring (a farkle). A farkle ends the turn and all the accumulated score from that turn is lost
  • Once you reach the minimum score, you may stop at any time. You must stop before farkling to receive the score of that turn.

How to Score:

Players begin by rolling all 6 dice. In order not to 'farkle', each roll in a turn must come up with something that 'counts' towards points. Scoring dice are set aside and contribute to the score for that turn.

If a player decides to continue rolling during their turn, they use the remaining dice. If at any time 'all' the dice produce points, the player has the option to begin again with all six dice while still keep that turn's accumulated score. This still counts as one turn and should they 'farkle' (roll and come up with nothing that scores points) they will lose any points accumulated during that turn.

Once points are recorded that cannot be lost

So What 'Counts'?:

  • 1's = 100 points
  • 5's = 50 points
  • Triplet (3 of a kind)=100 X number (example =500)
  • 4 of a kind = 1000
  • 5 of a kind = 2000
  • 6 of a kind = 3000
  • 3 pairs in one roll = 1500
  • 2 Triplets (3 of a kinds) in one roll = 2500
  • A straight of all six dice in one roll = 1500

Note: You cannot combine scores from different rolls to make a larger roll score. For example, if a 5 is thrown in the first roll and removed from the active dice as a score of 50 and then 2 more 5's are rolled in the next turn, the play can't make this a triple and score 500. The score at this point is 150.

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